This page is for listing words that have been suggested but not officially added to the Globasa dictionary. Anyone may add to this list.
Lists of words[]
The following lists are linked here for the purpose of searching for words that do not yet have Globasa equivalents. In order to be as neutral as possible, Globasa needs to use word lists from many different language families instead of basing its vocabulary entirely on English and Indo-European.
- 10,000 most frequent words
- 10,000 most frequent words with example sentences
- 9,000+ one-syllable words
- 6,775 most frequent common nouns
- 1,000 most frequent words in TV and movie scripts
- 850 words of Ogden's Basic English
- 625 basic words
- 207-word Swadesh list
- 100-word Swadesh lists
- 85 translation subpages on Wiktionary
- Three-letter words
- 5,000 most frequent characters
- 10,000 most frequent words[1]
Words not in the Globasa dictionary[]
- aardvark
- advocate (propala?)
- affiliate
- alarm
- album (fotolari? imajelari?)
- alert
- anthem, hymn
- appeal
- array (ordenu?)
- aspect
- assault, storm, siege, raid
- asset
- astrology (tenmumlefeloga? tenmumlefeoko?)
- attribution (swikara?)
- audition
- avatar (puppet?)
- avenge ((tas)intikam?)
- backup (tayti "replacement, substitution"? anjenhifazi?)
- badge
- bail
- bare (nudi?)
- barrier (bloki? blokidom?)
- bass
- bathtub (tub; banyohoza?)
- beam (radya "ray"?)
- beetroot (bitugeno?)
- beige
- behalf
- benchmark
- beret
- billboard
- blah (bla?)
- bland (posamusane "boring"? xetocukal?)
- blank (kal "empty"? konganpul?)
- bloat
- blowhole (nafasuhongu?)
- blush (rosocu)
- bold
- bond
- bonfire
- bonus (maxpaya?)
- bookmark (kitabumarka?)
- boost
- boundary (byen?)
- brand (marka?)
- breach
- breakthrough
- breed
- brochure (lefejeni: broxura)
- bugle
- bulb
- bulk
- bump
- bunf
- bundle
- bunk
- burst
- bust
- butler (servikef?)
- buzz (bezesa?)
- bypass (paspasa?)
- cabinet (waziritim, almari)
- camouflage (masku?)
- campus (eskolgeo?)
- cancel (nilgi?)
- cane (andagumbo?)
- caper
- capitol
- caribou (reindeer)
- carriage (kareto?)
- cash (money? physical money?)
- catalog(ue)
- caterpillar (junipepero?)
- certificate (awtentidoku?)
- chairman
- champagne (lefejeni: xampanye?)
- champion (winner) (cuyotriunfayen?)
- chant
- charity (bongibetim?)
- cheerleader (hurakef? huratimyen?)
- chemical (kimikaxey?)
- chili (pimento ton maso?)
- chip (cipsu?)
- chipmunk (xeritusinjabu?)
- choir (lalatim?)
- chop
- clam (duavalvu?)
- clamp
- clementine (klemanbortokal?)
- clerk (sekretari?, daftariyen?)
- cloak (mantol?)
- clue (hint)
- clumsy (maharakal?)
- collar (gardanbendu?)
- cologne (itru?)
- combust (yake? atex?)
- comet (kodatenmun?)
- commute
- compile (tonkipa?)
- composite (number; monpul numer?)
- compound (tongi(xey)?)
- conquer (jeni: jenfuku)
- count on (ikaw?)
- (kitchen) counter
- cracker
- crate
- creek (lilnahir?)
- crest
- crowd (lari?)
- crunch
- crust
- cupcake (lilkeke? kopakeke?)
- curriculum (darsulari?)
- curve (fleksilinea?)
- custom (xugwan, espesyalgido?
- dam (water; suiblokidom?)
- dangle (infrapende?)
- deadline
- debris (harabuxey?)
- debut
- decent
- decompose (rot; fasiducu?)
- dedicate
- (n/v) delay (dyergi?)
- demolish
- den
- deploy
- descendant (junibete?)
- desktop (ergomesa?)
- detect (xorjui?)
- detour (weydao?)
- diary (journal? moydinli kitabu? dinkitabu?)
- dim (lilluminkal? luminlil?)
- dime (despesamon?)
- dire
- distress (disestresu??)
- dock
- documentary (grafifilme? dokufilme?)
- dodge
- dodgeball (? + -bol)
- dogma
- dominant
- dominate
- domination
- drag
- drain (exsuidao?)
- drill (lefejeni: drilu)
- due
- dump
- emblem (marka?)
- enclosure (inklosi?)
- equip (perplasi?)
- eventual (finili?)
- Fahrenheit (lefejeni: Farenhayte)
- festival (parti?)
- flake
- flash
- flip
- fluent/fluid (lyudonpul? lyudonne?, likwidoli?)
- freak
- frisbee ((jeti)disko)
- frown (postabasum?)
- funeral (morcujaxne?)
- fuse
- gap
- gate (dwer?)
- gear (dentacalun?)
- genius (daymogepul(yen)?)
- germ (mikrobio?)
- goosebump
- grace (mesaxukra?, zarifharka?, nimatu, xerafu?)
- guinea pig
- gulp (nigalu "swallow"?)
- guzzle (dayglu?)
- hail
- handsome (meli?)
- harness, restrain
- hawk
- headache (kapeguton?)
- hippie (lefejeni: hipi)
- homicide (alomorgi?)
- honeydew
- hood (like a lid, not headwear)
- hoodie
- hoof (jeni: huf; nakun?)
- horn (instrument)
- horror (any relation to teror?)
- hymn
- imitate (kopi?)
- implement
- impressive (inxone)
- inconceivable (imajenenible? imanunenible?)
- indoor(s) (fe inya?)
- infestation; infest (tawni?)
- infinite (finikal?)
- infinity (finikalya?)
- influence (efeto?)
- informal (nenresmi?)
- infringe
- instrument (musikatul?)
- intellect (siko?)
- intellectual (sikoli?)
- internet (intreneto? neto?)
- intricate (detalepul?)
- irrelevant (nengwanxido? alotemali?)
- isolate (julagi?)
- isolation (julaya?)
- jargon (logilexi?)
- jealous (hasedapul?)
- jeopardy
- jerk (lutufkalyen?)
- journal (diary? moydinli kitabu? dinkitabu?)
- jump/skipping rope (tyaokordo?)
- jury (hukimutim?)
- kale
- knob
- laptop (portable computer?)
- leak
- lean
- leek
- let go (sokutu?)
- lexicon (lexilari?)
- liberal (huruismoli? huruista?)
- lid (kapuco?)
- lightbulb (lumintul? ampula?)
- lobby
- locate (ewreka?)
- log
- log in (inakonto?)
- logo (lefejeni: logo)
- loiter (dureresta?)
- loop (cirkito?)
- (university) major (daydomeni? daymedan?)
- manual (sahaykitabu?; hantali?)
- marionette (puppet?)
- marker (markatul?)
- masturbation (lefejeni: masturba; hantasekso?, sesekso?)
- match (pair up; make equal)
- melt (likwido[gi]?)
- microwave (mikromojafurno?)
- migrant (hijerayen?)
- mild (semikaray?)
- millionaire (megadolaryen?)
- mink
- misconception (malidey? malaham?)
- miserable
- misery
- missing (sonxido?, walane?, awsenne?)
- mitten (semigante? muxtigante?)
- mob
- mobile (harkaible?)
- mochi (niponli; lefejeni: moci)
- moderate
- modest
- mood (ganjon?)
- motto (slogan; markaloga?)
- mummy (lefejeni: mumi)
- nacho (lefejeni: naco)
- navy (baharitim?)
- newborn (neoxencuyen?)
- nip
- noble
- nominate
- noodle (nudelmon?)
- notepad (notakitabu? notalar?)
- nuclear (nukleusli, atomuli)
- obscure
- orbit (jwan??)
- outhouse (exbanyodom?)
- outlast (ultradure?)
- outstanding (ultraestayli?)
- pace (kadam?)
- pad
- pale (light-colored?)
- palm
- pangolin
- particle (mon?)
- passenger (trasportayen?)
- passion (joxu?)
- pastel
- pathetic (simpatilaye?)
- patio (porch?)
- patriot (dexali lubiyen?)
- peel
- penny
- perch
- pesticide (koncunmorgiente)
- plain (adjective)
- poll (tupyo "vote"?)
- pond ((lil)hosu?)
- porch
- port (plaguhole?; navidom?; porta?)
- pot
- pound
- predator (xikaryen?)
- prepare (jumbigi?)
- preserve (ultrahifazi?)
- prey (bexikaryen?)
- prime
- probe
- profile
- pseudo- (sewdo-)
- punch
- puncture (hanjer?)
- puppet (pupe "doll"?)
- purge (muxti?)
- quarter (coin)
- radio station (radyodom?)
- rag (burkumax?)
- rage
- rainforest (barix-drevolari)
- ramune (Japanese)
- ransom (porrehina?)
- raptor
- rash
- ration
- reference
- refresh
- refrigerator (bardialmari?)
- reindeer (dayhirxa)
- relevant (gwanxido?)
- remedy (sehagiente?)
- render (lefejeni: render?)
- renew (rineogi?)
- reopen (ribuka?)
- reporter (reportiyen)
- residence (ogar?)
- restore (ri- + newe? ri- + taze?)
- restrain
- restrict
- restroom (banyodom? twaletedom? pixidom?)
- revolt (panlan "rebel(lion)"?)
- ribbon (xeritu?)
- ridge
- rig
- roast
- rodent (lefejeni: rodeyen)
- roger [that] (aham, cududo?, rojer??)
- rot (fasiducu/gi?) (decompose)
- rover
- royal (wangoli?)
- rude (lutufkal?)
- rug (farxu?)
- ruler (measuring tool) (lungometer?)
- rush
- rustle
- sack (bao?)
- sail (ventokumax?)
- saucer (disko)
- sauerkraut (lefejeni: sawerkrawte, acidopul kabiji)
- savanna (lefejeni: savana)
- savor
- schedule (jeni: jadwali?)
- shade (saye(gi)?)
- shatter (diskanca?)
- shave (oftofa?)
- sheriff (polisiyen? xerifukef?)
- shortcut (lildao?)
- shrew
- sigh (ay?)
- sign in (inakonto?)
- silhouette (saye?)
- skateboard(ing) (esketitahta?)
- skip (ultratyao?)
- slang (nenresmibasa?)
- sled
- slice (ofkata?)
- slick (delezapul?)
- slime (muhatu?)
- slit (daraki?)
- slogan (motto)
- slurp
- snack (lilyam?)
- snap
- sniff (lilnasa?)
- solicit
- soothe (trankwilogi?)
- sore (gutonpul?)
- sour (acidipul?)
- spacious (konganpul?)
- spade
- spike
- sprout (xorxunjan?)
- starve (yamkalcu?)
- sticker (adhesixey? lefejeni: etiker?)
- sticky (adhesine? adhesipul?)
- stir (mixtura?)
- stomp (daypeda?)
- straw (glutul?)
- stunt
- subtitle (closed caption)
- suitcase (labaskaxa?)
- superb (suprabon?)
- supper
- surplus (maxpulya? maxya?)
- suspend
- T-shirt (T-kamisa?)
- tan
- teriyaki (lefejeni: teryaki?)
- textbook (texto/xwexi/eskol/klase/darsukitabu)
- thesaurus (samamenalari?)
- thumb (dayxuji?)
- tick (tock)
- tide
- toast
- toaster
- tofu (Japanese, loaned into numerous languages)
- toolbox (tuleli sanduku? tulekax?)
- trace (weylinea?)
- traditional (cwentonli)
- trail
- trailer
- trick (cipen?)
- trigonometry (tigagonlogi?)
- trump
- tub/bathtub (banyokaxa?)
- tumble
- twilight (dualumin(satu)?)
- UFO (NFX, nefexe "nendenyado fleyne xey")
- ultimate (finili?)
- undergo
- undo (posfale)
- uphold
- user (yongoyen?)
- vast
- vent
- vertebrate (rukeostoyen?)
- vibe
- void (kalya?)
- waddle
- waiter/waitress (serviyen?)
- warp (fleksityao?)
- warrior (jentoyen)
- weasel
- web (neto?)
- weed
- weightless (wajenkal?)
- whenever (he banwatu)
- wherever (he banloka)
- whistleblower
- whoa/woah (wao?)
- wiggle
- wildebeest
- wink (unpelake?)
- winner (champion) (triunfayen?)
- wit (gomyoya?)
- wobble
- woohoo, yay (hura?)
- zap
- zest
- ziggurat
- zip (ziper?)
- zoom
Missing proper nouns[]
- Bible (Bibli?)
- Romance (languages;
romani? romali? neolatin?) - Aeneid (Aeneis?)
- Iliad (Ilyas?)
- Odyssey (Odysea?, Odisia?)
- Mesopotamia (Betnahrayn?, Intrenahir?)